Giant Pabst bottle comes down

The New York Times (free registration) has the scoop on the dismantling of the dismantling of the famous 60-foot-tall Pabst beer bottle, which had loomed 185 feet above Newark for 75 years, the history of which we’ve already covered.

For now it is five enormous pieces of steel and copper plate three-eighths of an inch thick, and its fate is far from settled.

Ted Fiore, whose company has been demolishing the 10-acre site of the former Pabst brewery for two years, said he planned to restore the bottle at his warehouse in Newark and then give it a new home.

So far, Mr. Fiore said, “several alcoholic-beverage companies” have expressed interest. It might end up in Newark, he said, or perhaps along the Jersey Shore in Dover Township, where a nightclub could take it.

And here’s another quote from the story: “It’s kind of a sad day,” said Matthew Gosser, an adjunct professor of architecture.

An adjunct professor commenting on a giant bottle that once represented Pabst . . .

5 Replies to “Giant Pabst bottle comes down”

  1. A tribute to beer…
    I think we should pair it with the giant Henry Weinhart bottle currently touring the country and seek out four other giant bottles (you know there have to be more) Then set them up in a great beer town (I vote for Portland, Oregon) as a tourist attraction…the worlds largest six pack.

  2. adjunct professor…. i almost thought that was a joke! it’s still hilarious though!

  3. I saw the bottle for the first time in 1973,i was 4,i can still remember beleiving my dad when he said it was full of beer.i hope someone restores it.its a peace of my childhood.

  4. Now that’s an old antique beer bottle I wouldn’t mind owning. It would look great in my backyard.

    I guess even for landmarks shaped like beer bottles, time marches on…

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