‘Old-fashioned’ beer fights image problem

Graphic warning: If you click over to read the following story you will see perhaps the grossest photo of a beer belly every published.

Market analyst Datamonitor forecasts beer consumption will continue to decrease in both Europe and the United States because of health concerns and image.

“Health concerns along with changing alcoholic drinks preferences are having an impact on consumers’ patterns of consumption,” said Matthew Adams, consumer markets analyst at Datamonitor.

The report also said beer is seen as old-fashioned: “The appeal of a beer belly is apparently diminishing for many consumers.”

Particularly the one the Morning Advertiser came up with to illustrate the story.

2 Replies to “‘Old-fashioned’ beer fights image problem”

  1. HEY! I never gave my consent for that picture to be published… who do I sue for this?

  2. “The appeal of a beer belly is apparently diminishing for many consumers.”

    Um…..was a bulging gut ever appealing to consumers?

    Congrats to the author for not noting that a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet or overloading on calories (of ANY kind) is what likely leads to such an appearance.

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