Samuel Adams to fund brewing dreams

Boston Beer Co. announced it will expand its “Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream” program to include craft brewers.

“Our goal with this element of Brewing the American Dream is to support small business owners in our niche of craft brewing who are also facing hurdles around starting or expanding their nano or microbrewery,” Boston Beer founder Jim Koch said.

The company plans to loan $100,000 to small brewers in 2011, and craft brewers can apply for loans that range from $500 to $25,000.

Additionally, Samuel Adams will offer one select brewer the chance to receive a year-long “Brewing & Business Experienceship.” Designed to focus on different aspects of the beer business, the “Experienceship” will provide the brewer extended coaching tailored around his or her specific areas of interest from Samuel Adams employees.

Details on how to apply at are the company website.

Launched in June 2008 in partnership with ACCION USA, the “Brewing the American Dream” program has already loaned $540,000 to 60 businesses – largely in New England – with the goal of reaching $1,000,000 by the end of 2011. Food, beverage and hospitality small business owners can apply for loans to be used for a variety of business purposes including expansion, equipment, and marketing, with all loan payments recycled back into the fund.

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