A-B goes it alone

The Associated Press examines why no other breweries are supporting Anheuser-Busch’s “Here’s to Beer” campaign.

Anheuser-Busch initially touted its “Here’s to Beer” campaign as a way for beer companies to set aside their differences and fight the common enemy of wine and spirits. The St. Louis brewer even sent a vice president around the country to drum up support for the campaign.

The response has been flat. No other brewer has pitched in money to help the effort. The Beer Institute trade group yanked its logo off the campaign after the first television ad ran during the Super Bowl.

“The reality of it is, this program really doesn’t need brewer support,” A-B vice president bob Lachky told the AP. “We kind of always envisioned this thing as being an Anheuser-Busch-led initiative.”

2 Replies to “A-B goes it alone”

  1. “The reality of it is, this program really doesn’t need brewer support,” A-B vice president bob Lachky told the AP. “We kind of always envisioned this thing as being an Anheuser-Busch-led initiative.”

    … right. That’s why he personally went to Miller, Molson and others trying to drum up support for this initiative.

  2. maybe the fact that no other major breweries are supporting this campaign shows that SAB and Molson have given up on trying to catch A-B and are satisified with being 2 and 3 in the USA

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