

Beer Game: Anchor Man and Robo Quarters

Category: Coin Games
Submitted By: Jed Michnowicz (

Beer Games 2 teams
1 quarter
high tolerance

This is the favorite game of the swim team. It is a bit like super quarters, but even worse. There are two teams (4-5 people) and one pitcher filled 1/2 to all the way up (depending on tolerance). Both teams alternate bouncing a quarter into the pitcher. The team that gets it in, chooses who is the anchor man on the other team. The losing team must drink the pitcher, with the anchor man finishing it off. Once the
pitcher is removed from the drinkers lips, he must pass it on to the next teammate. If the team cannot finish the pitcher in one try, they must drink another one. It is usually seen as a noble gesture by the other team mates if they finish the pitcher before it gets to the anchor man.

Robo Quarters
2 teams
1 full beer per person
2 quarters
High tolerance

This game starts out with 2 teams with each player having a full cup of beer. Both teams have a quarter. Player 1 on each team tries to bounce a quarter into a cup. If it lands in your cup, you chug it, and then you pass the quarter to player 2. If you do not sink the quarter, you just pass it on to the next player. The first team finished with all of there beers gets to choose an anchor. The losing team must drink the pitcher, with the anchor man finishing it off. Once the pitcher is removed from the drinkers lips, he must pass it on to the next teammate. If the team cannot finish the pitcher in one try, they must drink another one. It is usually seen as a noble gesture by the other teammates if they finish the pitcher before it gets to the anchor man.

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