
OBF ousts minors

'Family friendly' Oregon Brewers Festival forced to kick out kids

Feb 1, 2007 - Something may be different for the 20th annual Oregon Brewers Festival in Portland: No children.


OBFThe organizers have announced that they "will not be allowed to have minors under the age of 21 on the festival premises in 2007. The Oregon Liquor Control Commission has stipulated no minors be on-site, citing OLCC Rule 845-006-0340 (7) (a) in which 'eating predominates' and the premise must not have a 'drinking environment.'"

The OBF is considered one of the finest craft beer festivals in the nation. Each summer, Portland welcomes more than 50,000 beer lovers to the four-day event. Many who attend enjoy the event because it is "kid friendly." In fact, BusinessWeek described it this way: "The family friendly OBF features live entertainment and free craft-brewed root beer and other specialty sodas for minors and designated drivers."

This year's festival is set for July 26-29.

Organizers suggest that those who disagree with the OLCC's decision contact executive director Stephen Pharo and let him know: 503-872-5000,1800-452-6522,or

Published : Feb 1, 2007
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