
Bradford, Carey, Skypeck honored

Brewers Association lauds service, innovation during annual conference

Apr 14, 2006 - The Brewers Association honored three individuals for their contributions to the brewing industry during the annual Craft Brewers Conference, held in Seattle.


The Brewers Association Recognition Award went to Chuck Skypeck of Boscos Brewing Co., based in Memphis, Tenn. Dan Carey of New Glarus Brewing in Wisconsin won the Russell Schehrer Award for Innovation in Brewing.

"In the twenty six years that my wife, Deb, and I have been in the brewing business we have seen the business mature - a bunch of kids brewing beer in discarded dairy tanks have grown up," Carey said. "Who could have guessed that American Craft Brewers would go on to create the best and most interesting beers ever brewed? Deb and I are proud to part of this revolution."

The Brewers Association presented the F.X. Matt Defense of the Industry award to Daniel Bradford, publisher of All About Beer magazine and former president of the Brewers Association of America. Bradford previously served as marketing director of the Association of Brewers and the Great American beer Festival.

Published : Apr 14, 2006