
Old labels haunt brewery

Great Grains halts shipping until new labels approved

June 29, 2004 - A labeling dispute has effectively shut down Great Grains Brewing in Texas.


The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission halted shipments of Great Grains' bottled beer until the labels say the beer is made in Fort Worth, said Alex Pastrana, 32, Great Grains vice president and brewer.

The brewery moved production from Dallas to Fort Worth in May, but continued to use labels saying the beer is made in San Antonio, Austin and Dallas. State law requires labels to identify where the beers are brewed, but Pastrana said a TABC official said that the old labels could be used until they ran out.

When an area beer distributor complained about the labels, no one at the TABC remembers the promise, Patrana said. He halted production, awaiting TABC approval on the new labels.

"You've got to get everything in writing," Pastrana said. "It's a big fiasco. I'm barely surviving to pay rent and stuff like that." he laid off three employees.

Great Grains produces 3,000 barrels of beer annually.