
Locally brewed?

Interbrew may need to keep brewing Boddington's in Manchester to make that claim

Oct 31, 2002 - The European Union could end up helping workers at the Manchester, England, Boddington brewery keep their jobs. Brewery owner Interbrew wants to move the majority of production to Preston and South Wales because it says it needs to save �3.5m and shed 80 jobs.


But the EU might force Interbrew to stay in Manchester or change its advertising which claims the beer is "locally brewed".

"Interbrew stakes its fame in the export market on the fact that Boddingtons is brewed locally, with over 200 years of brewing tradition," Manchester Euro MP Arlene McCarthy said. She said that it would be misleading and a breach of trade description rules, for Boddingtons to continue to trade as a locally brewed beer if it moves out of Manchester.

She has requested a meeting with Interbrew bosses in Belgium to discuss the situation.

Newcastle Brown ale has its regional identity protected by the European Union's Protection of Geographical Indications ruling, which means it can only be produced in the area from which it originated.

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