
Pub and post?

Pub Collect lets customers ask for deliveries to local pub

Jan 2, 2002 - A few months ago Great Britain's Prince Charles suggested one way to save England's endangered village pubs, banks and post offices was put them all together -- and in the pub.


That's much what Pub Collect has set out to do by signing up 18,000 pubs for a program that allows customers can ask for deliveries to be sent to the pub to be collected at a more convenient time after work.

Pub Collect's Richard Burrows told The Publican: "The pub is the obvious collection point for home deliveries. 95 per cent of the population live within walking distance of at least one pub, the pub is open evenings and weekends."

He added that, "Twenty-three per cent of home deliveries fail, leading to repeat visits and added costs. The consumer will benefit from a more convenient service at no extra cost, and less vans on the road means a healthier environment."

Nick Bish, chief executive of the Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers, welcomed the initiative and said he thought it would prove to be a "commercially attractive" deal for publicans.

Prince Charles was not given any credit for the idea, but he should be pleased. "I am starting a small campaign of my own to make the pub become the hub," he said last May while visiting St. Austell Brewery in Cornwall as part of its 150th anniversary celebrations.

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