
Miller interested in Boston Beer?

BusinessWeek says informal talks have begun; hostile bid possible

Oct 15, 1999 - BusinessWeek magazine has reported that Miller Brewing Co. may attempt to acquire Boston Beer Co., brewer of Samuel Adams beers.


"Some big investors think that No. 2 brewer Miller Brewing Co., has approached Boston Beer with an informal buyout bid," the magazine reported. A California investment manager told the magazine that he suspects that Miller offered $14 per share for Boston Beer. He also told the magazine that Lehman Brothers has been buying shares recently on behalf of Miller Brewing.

"If Boston Beer thwarts Miller's advances, Miller is apt to come back with a hostile bid," he said.

Officials from both companies did not offer official comment on the story, however a Boston Beer spokesman did point out there were similar rumors earlier this year that Anheuser-Busch was interested in acquiring the nation's largest specialty brewer.

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