
Court bans 'sexist' beer ads

Judges rule Venezuela brewery's ad encourages infidelity

July 16, 1999 - Venezuela's Supreme Court has ruled that a series of beer advertisements are sexist and encourage infidelity and ordered that they be withdrawn.


The advertising campaign by Cerveceria Regional included television commercials and roadside billboards depicting a scantily-clad blonde woman who says "I'm the other one. If you try me, you'll stay with me." Regional calls its beer "the blonde" and "the other" in an effort to distinguish itself from market leader Polar which controls about 80% of the Venezuelan beer market.

"In the publicity messages of Regional one can easily detect the continual reference to infidelity as something positive or at least amusing," the court ruled. The court said the advertisements were "offensive to public morals given the numerous psychological incitement to depersonalize women and transform them into a sex object."

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