Dixie shall rise again
New Orleans institution hopes to resume brewing by end of 2007
Dec 22, 2006 - Dixie Brewing Co. in New Orleans is finalizing plans to begin renovating its brewery ravaged 15 months ago by Hurricane Katrina.
Owners Joe and Kendra Bruno have struck a deal with the Huber Brewer in Monroe, Wis., to brew Dixie beers in the interim. Huber will brew Dixie Lager, Dixie Jazz Amber Light and Blackened Voodoo. Beer should be available in time for Mardi Gras. Dixie officials hope to be selling beer made in New Orleans when the brewery celebrates its 100th anniversary in October.  Katrina flooded the brewery with about nine feet of water, submerging the first floor of the six-story building and ruining the bottling line. The brewhouse was located higher in the building but looters stole much of it and Dixie plans to install a new state-of-the-art brewery. A press release does not indicate if the historic cyprus fermentation tanks will still be used. Dixie handles distribution of its beer in Louisiana and Mississippi, with Distinguished Brands taking care of the rest of the United States.
Published : Dec 22, 2006
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