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Ask Real Beer

January 2000

My coworkers and I are always in debate on which domestic beer is rated number one. We all have our own favorites, but would like to know who would win (or has won) in a blind taste test. There is a beer bet on the line ...

From Beer Dave: Contests, tastings and festivals are held the world over to determine the best beer (Consumer Reports has even got into the act). Most are separated out into different categories i.e. ales, lagers, bock, stout, porter etc. Your taste are going to vary from your coworkers every time. Just about every domestic mainstream beer has one an award or three. I suggest that you gather your coworkers and conduct your own blind taste test. Have each coworker bring their brand. Then buy some that are not brought for suspense. Separate the lights (low calorie) from the regulars. Then have someone in another room serve the different brews to a taste panel. Serve the lights before the regulars. When the label is not visible and image cannot rear it's ugly head, you will be surprised by the results.

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