Ask Real Beer
Feb 07, 2025

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Ask Real Beer

August 1999

Would you have any information on Stork Beer that was made in Allenton, WI? We are in search of any items available.

From Beer Dave: The Storck Brewery was actually located in Schleisingerville, Wis. This town is now Slinger, Wis. Charles Storck teamed up with William Hartig to form this brewery in 1870. It lasted until 1920 due to Prohibition, and the reopened in 1933 as the Storck Products Company. In 1953 it became the Storck Brewery and closed for good in 1958. They brewed about 12,000 barrels per year. Their best sellers were Slinger Beer and Storck Club. This would have been one Stork delivery most fathers would have loved to receive.

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